Grammelot S.r.l. is a SME born in 2016 from the merger of two companies, one operating in the field of software development and digital preservation and the other in the field of e-learning. The current Grammelot team is made up of digital craftpeople, each with different skills and abilities, who help organizations shape their vision through digital solutions. The founding values of our work are the creation of sustainable value, through the application of the Agile Scrum methodology, the centrality of the customer, who is actively involved in the whole process, and a smart use of technology, which leads to a real improvement in people’s life and work.
Grammelot’s areas of action can be divided into four macro-areas.
- Skill Sharing and Consultancy is the service in which we provide experience and skills for the temporary management of projects or the construction of customized solutions working side by side with the internal staff. The areas in which we operate are Design, Software Development, Project Management (especially Scrum Agile), Quality Management and Marketing.
- Quiddis is the business unit dedicated to digital training for companies and training institutions, with services ranging from the design of customized content to the provision of platforms for the development and delivery of e-learning. Our main focus is on training quality and tracking, for the use of e-learning for funded and certified training.
- KloudArchive is the area focused on digital preservation, with a SaaS dedicated to the management of digital documents in accordance with the law.
- Aerospace & Defense is the set of services offered to the aeronautical world, both civil and military, concerning the training of maintenance personnel and pilots and the drafting of technical documentation.