Sama Sistemi
Sama Sistemi srl., Is an engineering firm whose objective is the design and construction of antennas, for both civil and military use, and electronic sub-assemblies both RF (passive and active microwave components) and control (tracking systems and positioning).
Sama systems srl. boasts design skills and experience on a wide range of systems from HF to EHF and beyond. Particular attention is paid to the creation of single antennas or non-commercial arrays based on customer specifications
The instrumentation in possession allows to cover a range of frequencies from a few Mhz up to 40Ghz to allow the characterization of the components developed with bench measurements (both vector and scalar).
- Antenne per stazione di base sia omnidirezionali che direttive
- Antenne per sistemi mobili di radiocomunicazione
- Antenne per applicazioni aeronautiche e navali
- Antenne a larga banda, direttive e log-periodiche
- Antenne Riflettori parabolici diam. 20cm/4m
- Antenne EMI e di calibrazione
- Trombe piramidali
- Sistemi di tracking per satelliti
- Sistemi di controllo e posizionamento antenne
- Sistemi RF attivi o passivi, in coassiale o in guida