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Culture and Tourism

Among the R&D projects in Cultural Heritage and Tourism, there are the following ones, each of them described here below:



«Integrated Cultural Analysis Neural Platform»

Integrated system for the use and enhancement of the local cultural heritage of the Castelli Romani and Monti Prenestini area using innovative technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality and Machine Learning. The system can be used by users through a platform that also serves to orient themselves in the territory thanks to a path creation service based on machine learning. The user can take advantage of the technological interventions in augmented reality in the vicinity of specific points of interest with the possibility of interaction and storytelling.


  • enhancement of places of culture
  • strengthening of networking between local and international structures
  • tourism development and increase of visitors
  • creation of a local tourism brand
  • Promotion of optimized itineraries and routes
  • Integration with major Social Networks (Facebook, Instagram);

Enhanced places of culture:

  1. Tuscolano Museum at the Aldobrandini Stables in Frascati
  2. Museum of Palazzo Doria Pamphilj in Valmontone
  3. Toy Museum at Palazzo Rospigliosi in Zagarolo
  4. Museum of the Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina Birthplace

Lodinet Project


Areas of interest:

  • Tuscia area: Viterbo and surroundings
  • Castelli Romani area: Frascati and surroundings

System objectives:

  • Valorization of the territory through digital technologies
  • Improvement of the existing tourist offer
  • Increase in arrivals, presences and permanence
  • Strengthening the networking between hotel accommodation, catering, food and wine and tourism sector companies with repercussions on the local business system

IMAGO Project

Imaging Multispettrale per l’Arte, Gamification e realtà Olografica

Advanced Fruition System of artistic, archaeological, naturalistic and cultural heritage based on the joint application of Augmented Reality (AR) digital techniques and Multispectral Imaging technique.

It is aimed at a museum hosting paintings (National Academy of San Luca) and two naturalistic museums (Museo Del Fiore and Museo Del Fiume), which constitute the experimentation area of ​​the system.

The methods of use and technologies will allow the public to observe the works in situ by “transporting them” to a presentation environment which, through the AR, will allow them to discover the historical-artistic genesis of the works and to view also aspects that are not normally visible thanks to the use of multispectral imaging.

Objective: To develop an innovative fruition system for Cultural Heritage based on  Augmented Reality and advanced Multispectral Imaging techniques

Study cases:

  • Exhibitions in Art Museums:  seeing  beyond the visible artworks
  • Exhibitions in Naturalistic Museums: seeing as animals


  • Sapienza Rome University – Dept. of Basic and Applied Sciences for Engineering (SBAI)
  • Tor Vergata Rome University – Dept. of Mathematics
  • National Research Council of Italy – Institute for Calculus Applications (IAC-CNR)
  • Sigma Consulting S.r.l.
  • Accademia Nazionale di San Luca
  • Comune di Acquapendente
  • Comune di Nazzano

Fundings: Regione Lazio – Centro di Eccellenza del Distretto Tecnologico Culturale

IPER 3D Project

Integrated Portable system for:

High resolution multispectral monitoring of vertical elements and vaults of internal environments of cultural heritage subject to degradation;

A mapping of the hyperspectral analyzes in high resolution on the 3D reconstructions of these building elements for diagnostics and restoration.

The applicability of SWIR multispectral and hyperspectral data processing to the conservation of Cultural Heritage was successfully tested at the Appia Antica Regional Park


Tool to enhance the historical and naturalistic heritage: AUDIOGUIDE MOBILE APP for cycle tourists.

When the visitor, moving around, encounters one of the areas virtually traced on the territory, the system activates the audio content relating to a narration, a report or a warning, or simply invites him to listen to something from the surrounding environment.


  • a section of the PARK OF APPIA ANTICA (at the pass of the Aurunci Mountains, between Fondi and Itri)
  • The VALLE DEI CALANCHE DI LUBRIANO with the support of the Lubriano Naturalistic Museum.

Dynamic geofencing allows you to calculate the time needed to listen to an entire audio of the story of the territory, guaranteeing an immersive experience


Gemelli University Hospital IRCCS

RCS has been carrying out activities for the dissemination of medical-scientific culture to the outside for years. It also undertakes to create a space of “shared humanity”, giving life to social and cultural events and projects aimed at both staff and the internal community (patients and their families).

The application of new technologies to works of art will make the works of art usable and enjoyable at a distance by a public temporarily “unable to visit the site”. The visit of the works is carried out in the company of a speaker / cultural mediator who will make the experience even more engaging.

The museums in which the works will be chosen are: Borghese Gallery, National Gallery of Ancient Art of Palazzo Barberini, Corsini Gallery, Spada Gallery. These museums exhibit works by many Italian and International well-known artists.